

The Belgian Ambassador Visits Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Dec 4, 2022

The Acting President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, received the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Mr. Serge Dickschen.

The two parties addressed ways of cooperation in the field of student exchange. They also discussed the possibility of sending students from Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) to have their interns in Belgian universities, in addition to sending students from Belgian universities to have their interns at PSUT in the fields of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Technology under the supervision of EastNets company. The internship includes obtaining practical experience in the projects the company is working on.

Prof. Abu Elhaija went over the journey of excellence that the university has had since its inception until it reached the ranks of international universities. She added that all PSUT schools obtained international accreditations and the university students obtained first places in international programming competitions. In addition, some alumni have really great success stories that they have senior positions in the various international companies they work at. Such excellence journey achieves the visions of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, may God protect her, as she gave directives to provide a distinguished fertile educational environment that is capable of supplying the local and global market with distinguished, pioneering graduates.

His excellency Ambassador Dickschen expressed his happiness with this distinguished cooperation, and his admiration for the university’s approach and the rapid and distinguished development it has achieved in the fields of Engineering, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Business Technology. The Ambassador said that he is looking forward to having future cooperation between PSUT and Belgian instiutions.

It is noteworthy that EastNets is a Jordanian-Belgian company specialized in the field of money transfer technology and combating money laundering. Its headquarters are in Brussels, and it has offices in Jordan, Cairo, Luxembourg, London and New York. EastNEts provided a full scholarship to Hamza Halawa, a student in Department of Data Science, in addition to training five students from the same department. During the next semester, it will expand the training to include all disciplines of King Hussein School of Computing Sciences.

The meeting was attended by the founder and CEO of Eastnets Hazem Melhem, Executive Vice President Diaa Annab, PSUT Vice President for Administrative Affairs Prof. Muhammad Sababha, Dean of the King Talal School of Business Technology Dr. George Sammour, and Vice Dean of the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences Dr. Firas Ghanem, Dr. Osama Abu Sharkh, Vice Dean of the King Abdullah II School of Engineering, Dr. Sereen Atiyani, Head of the Data Science Department, and Dr. Adiy Tweissi, Director of the E-Learning Center.

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