

School News

PSUT Honors Outstanding Students and Signs an MOU with SIROCO MENA

Nov 17, 2022

Acting President of PSUT, Prof. Wejdan Abu El-haija and Eng. Mahmoud Al-Sa’di, Human Resources Planning of SIROCo MENA signed a memorandum of understanding that aims to train and employ graduates of King Hussein School of Computing sciences in SIROCo.

SIROCo MENA works in the field of finding business solutions for Microsoft. The company has trained three of the King Hussein School’s students despite the recent cooperation between the two parties.

After signing the agreement, the Dean of the King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, Prof. Ashraf Ahmed, honored the school’s outstanding students; those with distinguished academic achievement and those who have received scholarships and financial grants from industry sector companies.

The honoring ceremony was attended by Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Muhammad Sababha, and members of the school’s administrative and teaching staff, in addition to representatives of the industry sector from Amazon, Orange and Bladdur, Advanced Business Solutions (ABS), final solutions, and Eastnets., SIROCo MENA.

Amazon also gave financial grants to 17 cybersecurity students. The partnership between PSUT and those companies aim to provide students with practical experiences on best practices to maintain the security of digital transactions.

By the same token, Eastnets has provided a full scholarship to a student, Hamza Halawa, in the Department of Data Science, in addition to providing training for 5 students from the same department. During the next semester, Eastnets will expand the training to include all School majors. The company is considered one of the most important international corporates in the field of providing financial payment solutions and services to financial institutions and corporates.

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