

Princess Sumaya University for Technology signs a memorandum of understanding with Mazar Autonomous Robotics Systems (MARSRobotics)

Jun 7, 2023

 Princess Sumaya University for Technology and Mazar Autonomous Robotics Systems (MARSRobotics) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore cooperation opportunities in the field of training students on aeronautics and drone systems. The MoU was signed by Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, President of the university, and Prof. Mohammad Al-Jarrah, General Manager of MARSRobotics.

The memorandum of understanding included provisions for cooperation and collaboration between the two parties in various fields. These encompassed organizing scientific conferences and seminars related to aeronautics, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and their technologies and applications. Additionally, the agreement aimed to provide field training opportunities and potential employment for PSUT students. The agreement also focused on supporting and implementing senior design projects, with discussions on these matters to be conducted through a joint committee representing both parties. In coordination with King Abdullah II School of Engineering, periodic awareness workshops would be held for faculty members, administrative staff, and students, covering topics such as robotics, unmanned aerial systems, aerial photography, laser surveying, integrated systems, and autonomous driving. Furthermore, the agreement included plans for organizing field visits to enhance students' practical experience.

 Prof. Abu Elhaija expressed her delight upon signing the memorandum of understanding, highlighting its significant potential to expand the knowledge and opportunities available to students at King Abdullah II School of Engineering in the fields of aeronautics and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The MoU aims to bridge the gap between theoretical education and practical experiences. Furthermore, it promotes collaboration with local community institutions, that are led by the well-recognized expertise and competencies of Jordanian professionals at both the regional and global levels.

Prof. Al-Jarrah, highlighted that Mazar Autonomous Robotics Systems Company, is a leading Jordanian firm operating in the field of communications and information technology. The company is officially registered with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and specializes in the production and development of autonomous robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles, and their civil applications. These applications include aerial photography, surveillance, precision agriculture, as well as the development of air navigation and autopilot systems. Prof. Al-Jarrah emphasized the significance of strengthening joint cooperation between the company and PSUT, particularly in the fields of training, employment, and consulting services.

The signing of the MoU witnessed the presence of representatives from the university, including Prof. Bassam Hammo, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Esam Qaraleh, Dean of King Abdullah II School of Engineering, Prof. Raed Musleh, Dean of King Abdullah I School of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Ashraf Ahmed, Dean of King Hussein School of Computing Sciences, and Dr. Osama Abu Sharkh, Vice Dean of King Abdullah II School of Engineering. Joining them from the company side was Bilal Shatnawi, Director of Development and Marketing Operations.

It is worth mentioning that Princess Sumaya University for Technology has obtained a patent in the field of drones. Additionally, several research papers authored by PSUT professors have been published in this area.

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