

Princess Sumaya University for Technology secures the first place in the Huawei Regional ICT Competition

Nov 25, 2023

The Princess Sumaya University for Technology team secured the first place locally in the Huawei ICT Competition National_Computing Track, outperforming 900 students from various Jordanian universities. As a result, they have qualified to compete in the regional competition scheduled to take place in Bahrain at the end of next month.

The winning university team comprised students Sarah Maher Hamad and Nizar Daradkeh from the King Abdullah II School of Engineering, under the supervision of Dr. Ammar Odeh.

The university president Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija expressed pride in the team and the supervisor for this commendable win, confirming the distinguished level of the university's students. She also highlighted the continuous support of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El-Hassan, Chair of the University's Board of Trustees, in providing the international labor market with young entrepreneurial competencies.

Abu Elhaija also commended the skills and determination of the university students, highlighting their competence and the distinguished academic programs offered by the university. These programs serve as catalysts for their academic and practical advancement, enabling them to keep pace with the swift global developments in programming.

Dr. Ammar Odeh, the team supervisor, highlighted that the competition integrated theoretical knowledge with practical applications, encompassing modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data storage and big data, cybersecurity, and networks.

It's noteworthy that last year, university students won the first place among the Jordanian team participating in the Huawei Regional ICT Competition 2022 and achieved second place globally in its sixth edition, which was held in the city of Muscat, Oman.

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