

Student Affairs

Princess Sumaya University for Technology Launches the Relief Campaign (Our Hearts with Gaza)

Oct 24, 2023

Princess Sumaya University for Technology, in collaboration with the Royal Scientific Society and the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization, initiated the “Our Hearts with Gaza” relief campaign. The campaign was launched in the presence of University President Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, University Vice President for Administrative Affairs Prof. Bassam Hammo, members of the University's Council of Deans, heads of both academic and administrative departments, university staff and students. The initiative aims to show support and solidarity with the resilient people of Palestine and Gaza.

Prof. Abu Elhaija highlighted that the people of Jordan and Palestine are one, and emphasized the deep bonds between Jordan and Palestine. She conveyed our shared concern over the hardships and unjust aggression faced by the Palestinian people. Furthermore, Abu Elhaija underlined our unwavering support for the Palestinian, and that we in Jordan stand firmly behind the Hashemite leadership, echoing the words of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein: “Our compass will remain Palestine, with Jerusalem its crown”.

Prof. Abu Elhaija stated that this initiative reflects the strong bond of solidarity between Jordanians and Palestinians, with prayers for their victory. The campaign involves collecting monetary donations and support from the university's members, offering an opportunity for anyone to contribute to aid our Palestinian people.

The campaign concluded with reciting Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs of Gaza. Moreover, in a display of unity and support, the Royal Scientific Society and Princess Sumaya University for Technology families organized a gathering to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers, and performed Salat al-Janazah for the martyrs.

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