

Student Affairs

Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan sponsors the ceremony honoring the winners of the first edition of the “Cyber Warriors” competition for schools

Apr 25, 2024

Representing Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Marwan Juma, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Princess Sumaya University for Technology, attended the ceremony honoring the winners of the first “Cyber Warriors” competition for schools. The event, organized by the National Cyber Security Center (ncsc) in partnership with Princess Sumaya University for Technology, saw wide participation from various involved organizations.

The “Cyber Warriors” competition aimed to equip school students with cybersecurity skills, boost their technological proficiency, and enhance their confidence in the field. Open to students aged 12-18, a total of 253 participants qualified for the finals, forming 68 teams from 24 public and private schools across Jordan. These participants engaged in a series of intricate cybersecurity challenges. Notably, 61% of the participants were male, while females comprised 39% of the total.

During the closing ceremony, Engineer Bassam Al-Maharmeh, Director of the National Cyber Security Center, emphasized the center's commitment to nurturing young talent in cybersecurity. He highlighted the importance of investing in students at a young age and providing them with training opportunities to refine their skills, particularly in ethical hacking.

Al-Maharmeh underscored the significance of this year's competition for school students, noting the center's shift from previous contests that included both university and school students. This change reflects the center's commitment to nurturing talent and making long-term investments in youth, with partnerships with national and educational institutions playing a crucial role.

Furthermore, Al-Maharmeh revealed that the National Cyber Security Center recently conducted specialized training for over 800 students from 20 schools across Jordan, focusing on ethical hacking challenges. This initiative aimed to enhance students' skills and prepare them for participation in this cyber security competition.

During the closing ceremony, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, emphasized the importance of school students' participation in the competition. She pointed out that it offers more than just a chance to compete; it's an opportunity for students to develop new cybersecurity skills, exchange knowledge with professionals, and improve digital awareness and safety. In today's digital age, where technology evolves rapidly and cyber threats are a constant concern, there's an urgent need for young talents to address these challenges and promote digital safety in society.

Abu Elhaija underscored the university's commitment to fostering innovation, enhancing students' technical skills, and serving the community through advanced educational programs. This commitment aligns with the university's principles since its establishment under the guidance of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, focusing on specializations that make a meaningful impact across society.

At the ceremony's conclusion, the representative of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan honored the winning teams: “Jubilee 1” from the Jubilee Institute secured first place, “Yarmouk 2” from Yarmouk University Model School clinched second place, and “Excellence Warriors 1” from King Abdullah II School for Excellence/Mafraq secured third place.

Additionally, sponsors and partners were recognized for their contributions: gold sponsor “Future Tech Company,” silver sponsors “IT Security Company” and “Satius Company,” bronze sponsor “Hayyan Company,” technical partner “Light Space,” technical support partner “DC Technologies,” and media partner “AlMamlkah TV.”

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