

Student Affairs

Closing Ceremony of the International Hult Prize at Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Mar 7, 2023


 The Vice President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Prof. Bassam Hammo, sponsored the closing ceremony of the international ‘Hult Prize’ award at the university, in the presence of Ms. Yana Dabaghia, Regional Customer Relations Officer at the award, and Dr. Rami Salem, PSUT Dean of Student Affairs.

Ten teams competed in the competitions of the award, whose pioneering idea in this edition was ‘redesigning Fashion’.

The Alter Squad team, Mayar Ismail Hassan, Ahmed Musa Al-Kayed, Layan Yasser Al-Hourani, Lama Rouhi Zalmut, and Rama Jasser Abdel-Hadi, came in first place. Bfiber came in the second place (Muhammad Qassem, Tamara Al-Kawamleh, Eman Musa, and Serene Al-Aomary), while the third place was won by the Vera team (Zain Al-Safadi, Karim Al-Madhain, and Sanad Al-Sakakini). The jury composed of the Executive Innovation Director at Al Ahli Bank Mr. Nidal Khalifa, founder of Fabric Company Ms. Haneen Khammash, the academic supervisor of the club Dr. Bilal Al-Hmoud, and Dr. Ola Al-Hadid from Princess Sumaya University for Technology.

 In his speech during the ceremony, Dr. Hammo emphasized that the university's embrace of such competitions enhances the university's mission and vision; supporting creative students in all fields and competitions to achieve more successes. The university, under the directives of Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chair of the University's Board of Trustees, is very keen on involving its students in such competitions, and supporting them in a way that helps them hone their talents, enrich their knowledge, and develop their teamwork abilities.

Ms. Dabaghia said that the award is concerned with innovation, leadership and motivating young people to solve problems and create change by developing their ideas and initiatives to contribute to development.

 Dr. Rami Salem indicated that the university abode by all the conditions and instructions of the award and provided logistics to ensure the success of the event. He added that this competition reflects the youth energies and the pioneering stock they have to provide solutions to societal problems at the global level.

Dareen Al-Khatib, A PSUT student and the president of the club, expressed her pride in working within the team that put forward pioneering ideas that contributed to overcoming the obstacles facing society and institutions.

At the end of the ceremony, the winning teams received prizes, while the sponsors and the jury received trophies.

  It is worth noting that the award, which is held annually, is based on a partnership between the "Hult" International Business School in the United States and the United Nations, and targets BA, MA and PhD students. It is one of the five most important international youth awards that aim to launch new social institutions capable of bringing about radical changes in the world.


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