Oakland University - Rochester, Michigan


Joint Programs with Oakland University- Rochester, Michigan (OU)

If you missed the Zoom Orientation and Q&A session by representatives from Oakland University, you can watch the below video recording and find their slides here.

4+1+1 Joint-degree for all Engineering programs; Bachelor PSUT / Master OU


3+1+1 Joint-degree for all IT and Business programs; Bachelor PSUT / Master OU

Stage 1: Students study all years of their undergraduate program at PSUT except for the last year.

Stage 2: Students go on to study the final year at OU.

Stage 3: Every semester, the student requests a transcript from OU to be submitted to PSUT's Deanship of Admissions and Registration to obtain a Bachelor's degree from PSUT.

Stage 4: If the student is accepted to the postgraduate program at OU, up to 12 credit hours from the first year there may be accredited towards their Master's degree, hence reducing the study period and cost for the graduate program.

Admission requirements:

  • Students must be, at least, in their second year of study at PSUT.
  • Cumulative average for courses at PSUT should be no less than 75% and master students equivalent to at least GPA 3.0.
  • English Proficiency Certificate (79 in TOEFL, or 6.5 in IELTS)
  • Applicants for postgraduate studies do not require the GRE examination.
  • Use this timeline checklist for Oakland University before travel.


ASAP - American Study Abroad Program

PSUT students of all disciplines can study in any of the undergraduate or postgraduate programs (Master's and Ph.D.) and can apply to study for a semester or two at OU for up to one year (12 months).

This is open to all Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. students of all disciplines in PSUT’s Schools of Business, Computing, and Engineering.

Approximate cost:

Tuition fees and an approximate cost of study at OU:  (in-state)

  • In-state fees (resident fees) apply to PSUT students.
  • Undergraduate students must study at least of 12 and not more than 16 credit hours per semester at OU, while graduate students can take min. 8 and max. of 12 credit hours.
  • The in-state cost for 12 credit hours in the Bachelor’s program, approximately $10.239, and Master’s program, approx. $8.216.
  • Average cost of living per semester (including housing and food) is approximately $5,100.
  • OU’s health insurance plan is approximately $ 652.
  • There are no financial charges for enrolling at OU and the student pays no quarterly fees.


 Useful links for course mapping:

Check out the engineering bachelor's major Requirements on the pages below:
(There is also a sample schedule provided at the end. If you click on a course, you will get the course description (one paragraph)).
For Business students, use the capstone course "MGT 4350 Management Strategies and Policies" as the graduation project substitute. This is the capstone general education for business students.
