Mission & Goals



The mission of DPRM is to define and highlight the scientific and academic status of PSUT, and strengthen its links with the local community in various ways. DPRM plays an effective role in communicating between internal University departments, in addition to forging links with other institutions and regional and international administrative bodies.

Moreover, it carries out the necessary procedures to arrange and hold academic events such as seminars and conferences, and extra-curricular activities such as exhibitions and sports tournaments. The Department is also responsible for facilitating the reception of official delegations and extending the appropriate hospitality services. With regard to media activities, DPRM is active in coordinating with media outlets, including radio, television, and news agencies, in order to achieve good media coverage for events that are either organized by the University or those to that it is invited. Great care is taken in the prompt preparation of news reports and articles covering the details of these activities.



  • Monitoring the University’s development in all sectors and fields, promoting its good reputation, and assisting in the promotion of its services and ideas by introducing others to its aims, philosophy, and activities.
  • Establishing the basis of understanding between PSUT and other academic and economic institutions, strengthening its links with other local and foreign institutions through programs and mutual visits, holding conferences and exhibitions, and participating in a wide range of events in different fields.
  • Promoting strong and exemplary relations between the University administration and its employees, in order to achieve the highest awareness of the University’s environment and its message.