
Dr. Bilal Sababha along with Prof. Yazan Al-Qudah registered a patent in the United States Patent under the title "Traffic Notification System and Method" on Jan 12, 2021

The number of PSUT research publications that are published in scopus has increased from from 96 in 2016 to 235 in 2021.

The number of publications per PSUT faculty has increased from 0.77 in 2016 to 1.6 in 2021.

The Jordanian Journal of Computer and Information Technology (JJCIT), was indexed in the Clarivate Analytics database (Web of Science) within the Emerging Source Citation Index group, which is one of the best internationally accredited databases for indexing scientific journals, in a step that precedes its indexing in The Science Citation Index Expanded, or ISI.

The associate professor at King Abdullah II School of Engineering, Dr. Fadi Shahroury, won the second place for the Best Researcher in the Arab world in the World Cup for Invention and Scientific Research held by the Everest International for Invention in partnership with the Tunisian Agency of Promotion Industry and Innovation under the supervision of the "IFIA" Association.